
Envisioning Tech Solutions you need, using Open AI

We deeply believe in simplicity, security & sophistication in every project that we undertake. We do this by leveraging the latest technologies in the industry and by continuous learning from our customer feedbacks.

Documenting Milestones

Version Control - Gitlab

Focused Development

Issues & Bugfixes

Traffic Estimation

End User Accessibility

Resource Provisioning

Final Deployment

Usage Monitoring

Finding Patterns

Identify Best Solution

Scale Up / Out

Monitoring Metrics

Logging Data

Creating Logical Alarms

Resource Changes on Alarms

Not to mention, PHP has been around since 1995, which feels like forever as far as web languages. 80% of the top 10 million websites use PHP. We're experienced in PHP programming and have developed more than 100 sites and web apps written in PHP till now. With respect to scalability & flexibility there is none for PHP.

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cURL is a command line tool for getting or sending files using URL syntax. It supports a range of common Internet protocols, such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and FTPS, etc. CLI enables us to create scripts of simple automation, & it is a useful aid in the development of more complex code which uses the web service API's.

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We have delivered many softare solutions to our clients by tweaking Open-Source softwares. Our expertise is in this segment is primarily with respect to identifying the most suitale Open-Source software and tweaking it ahead to make it fulfill the key objectives of our clients.

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We rely on the Amazon Web Services Cloud Infrastructure to deploy, host, scale and monitor all of our client apps, sites and softwares. We are also officially certified AWS Solutions Architects, Developers and Cloud Practioners. We also consult and maintain our client AWS Accounts upon request.

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Experts on the latest trending ecommerce software.